
Anticipated Impacts of All Aboard! Florida (Nov 2, 2015)

The SEFSEWG heard presentations on the anticipated impacts of All Aboard! Florida to state parks and gopher tortoises.

Balancing the needs of species in scrub (Jan 30, 2014)

Florida scrub is home to many endemic or rare species, and while the needs of many of these species overlap, they also differ. Conserving the full suite of scrub species requires planning at regional and local scales and consideration of the landscape context in which each property occurs. This workshop, organized by Matthew Corby and Craig Faulhaber as part of a project for the Florida Natural Resources Leadership Institute, included ten species exerts and land mangers seeking to identify management conflicts, propose solutions, and provide recommendations to land managers. Click the link above for a summary of this workshop.

Sandy openings in scrubby flatwoods and coastal scrub (Jul 16, 2012)

Many scrub species use sandy openings, but restoring and maintaining these openings is challenging, especially in coastal areas. During this workshop 27 natural resource managers and biologists sought to identify (1) how to restore the historical amount of sandy openings in scrubby flatwoods and coastal scrub and, in the absence of these openings (2) how to avoid complete, extensive burns that harm scrub-jays. The document linked above sumarizes this workshop however, it is not meant to be a cookbook or prescription for management, nor is it an endorsement of any given method. It is important to note that there is much more to learn about effectively restoring sandy openings and avoiding complete, extensive burns.